“Genjitsu” (usually written 現実) is Japanese for “reality.” For our logo, the first glyph has been changed to one with the same pronunciation that means “illusion” or “phantom,” creating a meaning like “virtual reality.”
Genjitsu Gaming is devoted to bringing you imaginative, high-quality game products which expand and challenge the world of open gaming, especially the d20 system and its derivatives. Genjitsu products are presently distributed in PDF format through RPGNow.com and the DM’s Guild (soon).
If you have comments or questions about the group in general or our products, please direct an email to genjitsu&at;genjitsugames˙com .
If you need a customer service issue addressed, please email service&at;genjitsugames˙com .
If you want to contribute to one of Genjitsu’s projects, or have a work that you think Genjitsu might be interested in releasing, inquire by email to submissions&at;genjitsugames˙com.
If you are interested in illustrating one of Genjitsu’s future releases, send a portfolio or sample link (no attachments please) to artwork&at;genjitsugames˙com .